Sunday, 20 May 2007

everythings gone wrong!

OK, so my finely tuned plan to start a blog and rant to my hearts content has gone a little wrong. mainly this is due to virgin media and the terrible broadband service they supply. want to know their excuse? 'oh we're not working on London right now' .....reason? none!

anyway, enough of of me, that's why your here isn't it?

OK .... firstly my little incident i reported last week, settled itself , because i got the chance to show off a little last week, and redeemed myself somewhat in the eyes of my boss (sort of). well at least i hope so, its been a busy week, and Ive been socialising like a maniac, drinking every night of the week, and I'm beginning to suspect its effecting my teeth as they feel...........funny..... can drinking make your teeth feel funny? i dunno, it was a hard one to explain when i visited the dentists yesterday.

- hows everything going?

- er OK, the thing is i have a dull pain in my lower back teeth

- really? when you eat or drink?

- yep, when i drink definitely

- OK, hot or cold liquids?

- cold.....cold refreshing, liquids normally with bubbles and froth...mmmmmmmmmmmm

- .............?

- say is there a pub near here by any chance?

so drinking is now the main order of the day...its just happened i think its working a regular (or not so regular 9-7) day...i need a drink to settle me down at the end of the day

anyway that's all for, my connection is still bust and Ive hijacked someone Else's Unsecure wireless signal.....don't want to stay here for long! more to come soon!

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