Tuesday, 5 February 2008

actors are using their fame to further their own careers!.....SHOCK !

ok so yesterday i saw one of those evening standard ads outside the newsagents that read:

actors fight demolition of local theatres

or something to that accord..........and it bugged me....i mean ive got nothing against the maintainance or theatre, or keeping old landmarks, in fact im quite in favour of it, but it bugs me actors stand up for this, but bugger all else...i mean its not like you get headlines that say

best plumbers fight to save local swimming baths

no it has to be a bloody celebrity! but what gets me is that this particular thing, 'celebs fight ban of local theatre' is so clealry routed in their own buisness...its where they work, so clealry they are going to fight to keep it open, its good buisness! i mean if you were a baker and they were going to close your backery to put in a a bypass, you would fight it, but it wouldn't be newsworthy....no because your not a celebrity baker....

look at kevin spacey and his sucess in keeping the old vic open.......because hes kevin fucking spacey...and now he virtually runs the place. you know if you go to their cafe in the basement of the old vic, its filled with black and white photos of kevin spacey, its like a shrine!

anyway, the point to this rant, is that celebritys dont deserve to be newsworthy simply because they are doing something to furhter their own careers, woohoo keep a theatre open, well done, get a fucking medal and shut up, or go and do something useful!

thats what i think anyway.


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