Tuesday 11 March 2008

this town is crapo

hey so i know there are towns will silly names, but this one did make me laugh


its just because its not really crap, its crapo!, it sounds like a 1980's cartoon character. i dont think i can say it as 'crapo' for me it has to be 'CRAPO!' as if you were saying 'SUPER!'

heres a map of crapo, maryland

some jobs available in crapo...or you could say 'crapo jobs'

and some crapo weather

you got to wonder who on earth thought this was a good name for a town, i mean i realise the word crap is a relatively new work in the grand scheme of language over the ages, but surely they can change the name of the town to something else?

how about


i'd live in bitchin' that would be cool.

mr joe bloggs
24 mainstreet


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